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单位:浙江大学城市学院     作者:王怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-08-23

摘 要:传承、再生是站在对“中国话语、中国表达”当代构建的学术思想高度下,在设计学领域提出的顶层设计,其对于建构文化自信的重要作用近年逐渐被意识到。在此观念下开展主题设计课程群教学研究,将原本独立的专业课程进行串联,以此产出一系列与传承、再生相关的文化设计产品,丰富当下本土知识体系构建,是探索文化自信与地方需求的可行路径之一。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the context of Chinese metropolis, the phenomenon of the product design convergence is unavoidable. The above-mentioned phenomenon reflects the fact that it is becoming more convergent in teaching and nurturing talents in the field of design. The aim of study is to explore the ways of perfecting the teaching plan in the field of design and puts forward the it basing on indigenous knowledge and combing graphic design, which is one of a win-win situation for both the students and the colleges in nurturing the talents with special skills for local needs.

Key Words:indigenous knowledge; rejuvenation; graphic design; teaching; strategy