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单位:长春工业大学     作者:李明 李鑫     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-21

摘 要:家庭影院投影仪,其作用主要应用于家庭影视、办公、娱乐,由于其体积小、便携、健康环保,近年来获得越来越多人们的青睐,家庭影院投影仪有着很好的市场发展前景,目前投影仪向家庭影院进军的势力已经击败了彩电占据了市场巅峰,随着市场的不断成熟和品牌集中度的提高,面对微利的压力和市场蓄势待发的良好势头,能否创造出融合创新技术、满足消费者需求的产品,是家庭影院厂商能否实现持续发展的核心要素。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper analyzes the characteristics of regional culture from the aspects of natural ecology, cultural ecology and folk life style in Jilin province,According to the concept of sustainable design, mining Jilin culture and art, combined with traditional crafts, so that the development and design of art, local, commemorative Tourism Technology products.Development in inheritance and innovation in development.The tourism technology product development and design into a profound Jilin cultural heritage, but also with the market development prospects of sustainable development of benign channel.

Key Words:Sustainable design concept; Tourism technology products; Development and design; Regional culture of Jilin Province