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单位:上海交通大学     作者:刘烨雯 鲁嘉颖 王希尧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-09-28

摘 要:随着移动设备和通信技术的快速发展,实现移动在线学习已成为可能。越来越多的人通过在手机等移动设备上使用移动应用程序来获取知识并完成学习任务。文章整理了近五年关于移动在线学习APP设计的热点研究趋势,分别为:用户使用意图及影响因素、APP设计有效性测试、移动学习app设计的理论基础与框架、新技术应用及未来趋势。其中第一部分主要探讨影响消费者使用移动学习app动机的重要因素及对应的设计方法;第二部分主要探讨检验用户使用成果的测试内容及方法;第三部分主要讨论应用于移动学习app设计的相关理论基础与框架,包括教育学理论及相关框架设计;最后一部分探讨了app设计与当下新型技术结合的可行性及未来发展趋势。


中图分类号:J0-05 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of mobile devices and communication technology, it has become possible to achieve mobile online learning. More and more people use mobile applications on mobile devices such as mobile phones to get knowledge and complete learning tasks. This paper summarizes the hot trends of APP design for mobile online learning in the past five years, namely: user intention and influencing factors; user use result test; theoretical basis and framework of mobile learning app design; new technology application and future trend. The first part mainly discusses the important factors that affect the consumer's motivation to use mobile learning and the corresponding design method. The second part mainly discusses the test content and method of testing the results of user use. The third part mainly discusses the relevant theoretical basis and framework applied in the design of mobile learning app, including the theory of education and the related frame design, the last part discusses the current combination of new technology feasibility and future development trend.

Key Words:Mobile learning; online learning; app design