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单位:上海交通大学     作者:李倩薇 丁希凡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-26

摘 要:以基于 “人脸识别”技术的表情设计为研究对象,分析人脸识别表情设计的需求变化,思考当代科技视野下表情设计的社会美学价值。在当代的全球化语境下,基于“人脸识别”的表情设计会帮助人类在网络环境中通过表情直观地表达自我,让人际表达更具幽默性。从大陆独有而扩向世界的网络文化,通过简单的表情设计增强交互体验,同时而因其情感导向性使其具有人与社会和谐相处的生态美学。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the Expression design combing “Face Recognition” technology, analyzing the changes in the needs of face recognition expression design to consider the social aesthetic value of expression design under the vision of contemporary science and technology. In the context of contemporary globalization, the expression design based on “Face Recognition” can help people express themselves through expressions directly in a networked environment which make people more humorous. A network culture that extends from the mainland to the world can enhance interactive experiences with simple emotions. Simultaneously, because of its emotional orientation, it has the ecological aesthetics of harmony between man and society.

Key Words:Expression design combing “Face Recognition”; Design concept