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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:周桐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-26

摘 要:文章从船只设计一体化美观性、以人为本的竞技产品安全性、可持续发展绿色设计、高新科技在水上产品中的运用四个方向探讨如何更全面、完整的对现有双体竞速帆船进行优化与改良。通过对一体化、概念化的形态结构重塑,在满足物理原理的基础上使竞速帆船更以人为设计中心,提升航行安全度与行驶速度。推动更安全、简洁、绿色的帆船运动走进普通民众日常生活、提升大众参与水上运动的热情、提升全民身体素质。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article explores how to more comprehensive and complete the existing twin-body racing sailboat from the four aspects of vessel design integration aesthetics, people-oriented competitive product safety, sustainable development green design, and high-tech application in aquatic products. Optimize and improve. By reshaping the integrated and conceptualized morphological structure, on the basis of satisfying the physical principles, the racing sailboat is further designed by humans to improve navigation safety and driving speed. Promote safer, simpler and greener sailing into the daily lives of ordinary people, enhance the public's enthusiasm for participating in water sports, and improve the physical fitness of the whole people.

Key Words:industrial design; racing sailboat; shape design; green design; people-oriented