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单位:迅达(中国)...     作者:戚嵩华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-26

摘 要:我国现在能源十分紧缺,但是我国偏偏又是一个消耗能量非常大的国家。正是在如此矛盾的背景下我国的能量利用率却非常的低。能量消耗率相对于美国、日本等强国相差的非常大。一些世界强国能量利用率甚至是我们的二倍以上。所以构建一个科学环保的社会已经成为当下最紧急的事情。这成为当下我国政府一个重点工程,随着我国经济的不断发展,社会的不断进步,我国人民的幸福指数不断提高。高楼大厦的不断修建,我国的电梯拥有量不断的升高。但是电梯的耗能量也随之升高。所以目前社会,如何设计绿色环保的电梯是一个亟待解决的事情。电梯如何减少能量使用已经引起社会各界人士的关注。开展电梯节能绿色环保工作已经是一个未来的趋势,这也是一个有利于人民,有利于国家的大事。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China is very short of energy at present, but it is a country that consumes a lot of energy. It is against this contradictory background that China's energy utilization rate is very low. The energy consumption rate is very different from that of the United States, Japan and other powerful countries. Some of the world's most powerful countries have even more than double our energy efficiency. How to design a green and energy-saving elevator has become a problem. With the continuous development of China's economy. New energy-saving and environment-friendly technologies are also widely used in elevators. With the continuous construction of high-rise buildings, the number of elevators in our country is constantly increasing. However, the energy consumption of the elevator also increases. Therefore, at present, how to design a green elevator is an urgent matter. How to reduce the energy use of elevators has attracted the attention of people from all walks of life. How to design a green elevator and use green technology is an urgent problem.

Key Words:Elevator; Energy; Saving Feedback