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单位:1陕西科技大学...     作者:王伟伟1 杨琨钰2 王苗2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:研究总结了故宫文创产品设计注重队伍建设、注重文化传承、注重需求牵引、注重技术创新、注重成果转化的经验和特色优势;分析指出陕西历史博物馆文创产品设计存在的理念落后、队伍不强、创意不新、主线不明等不足,提出了陕西历史博物馆文创产品设计要提升自主设计、强化主题设计、创新手段设计、探索开放设计的建设发展思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the experience and characteristics of the design of the Palace Museum's cultural and creative products , which focus on team building, cultural heritage, demand traction, technological innovation and transformation of research achievements. Points out that the design of cultural and creative products of Shaanxi History Museum has some shortcomings, such as the backward concept, the weak team, the out of date idea and the unclear design theme . Proposes that Shaanxi History Museum's culture creative products design should enhance independent design, strengthen theme design, innovative means design and explore open design.

Key Words:cultural and creative products; product design; Shaanxi History Museum; the Palace Museum