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单位:太原工业学院     作者:袁玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:本文以旅游产品设计为主要的研究对象,关注设计过程中的特色元素的提取与应用,以最终设计出符合主题的旅游产品为目的。首先分析了国内旅游纪念品市场存在的缺点,体现旅游产品设计的重要性。其次对旅游产品设计中的元素进行分类将设计元素分为具象、抽象两个大类。然后按照对于元素的处理深度的不同分别采用元素的直接运用、抽象化处理、解构重组等方法来指导具体的设计,并通过课堂让学生进行具体的设计实践,得到了一批较好的设计结果。本文的研究以具体的课堂教学相结合,很好的体现了设计的应用性,让学生理论与实践结合,同时希望能给之后的旅游产品设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the tourism product design as the main object of study, pay attention to the extraction of characteristic elements in the process of design and application, in the final design a good product for the purpose. First of all, analyses the disadvantages of domestic tourism souvenir market, reflect the importance of tourism product design. Then classifying elements in the design of tourism products design elements can be divided into concrete, abstract two kinds big. Then according to the elements of the depth of processing of different elements were used respectively to directly using the method such as, abstraction process, deconstruction restructuring to guide the design of the concrete, and through class let the student to carry on the concrete design practice, a number of good design results are obtained. In this paper, the research in a specific classroom teaching, the combination of good embodies the application of the design, let students combine theory and practice, at the same time, the hope can give after the tourism product design to provide some reference.

Key Words:Tourism products; Elements; Abstract; Restructuring; design