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单位:中南林业科技大学     作者:罗敏 刘文海     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:随着经济的快速发展,人们的生活压力越来越大,各种社会现象层出不穷。焦虑症、暴躁症、抑郁症在生活中变得不在陌生。家是一个人停留时间最长、最让人感到轻松和舒适的地方,家居配饰产品是营造家庭氛围的重要因素。本文以“慢生活”理念为基础,探求其与家居配饰产品之间的内在关联,通过实际运用分析得到从产品的材料、造型、色彩、工艺、技术等方面表达“慢生活”理念的设计运用方法。达到通过减轻人的精神压力减少社会不良现象发生这一研究目的,也便于“慢生活”理念研究和推广。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of economy,  increasing the living pressure on people , and various social phenomena emerge in endlessly.anxiety neurosis, grumpy disorder and depression in life become no stranger.Home is the place where a person stays for the longest time,feels most relaxed and comfortable. Home accessories products are important factors in creating family atmosphere.This text is based on the concept of "Slow Life" ,Explore the internal relation between it and home accessories products.Through the analysis of practical application ,the design and application method of expressing the concept of "Slow Life" from the aspects of material, modeling, color, technology and so on is obtained.To achieve the goal of reducing the negative social phenomena by reducing the psychological stress of human beings and it is also convenient to study and popularize the concept of "Slow Life".

Key Words:Slow Life; Home accessories products; Application