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单位:桂林航天工业...     作者:李智 王学军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:20世纪符号学相关构想的提出,使之作为一种新兴学科。符号学思想已渗透到哲学、文学、传播学、艺术学等诸多领域。脱胎于传统符号学理论的参数化符号学其意义在于超越传统指意过程,建立更为复杂的指意系统。基于主体的参数化建模技术将成为实现参数化符号学的有力支撑。借助这一工具将作推动航天文创产品设计思维迭代与优化。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The 20th century semiotics conception was proposed. It makes a kind of emerging discipline. Semiotics has found an increasingly wide in many fields, such as philosophy, literature, communication, art and so on. The significance of parameterized semiotics derived from the traditional semiotics theory lies in surpassing the traditional signifying process and establishing a more complex signifying system. Agent-based parametric modeling technology will be a powerful support to realize parameterized semiotics. This theory will be used to promote the iteration and optimization of the products design.

Key Words:parameterized semiotics; semiotics; aerospace culture; product design