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单位:广州大学纺织...     作者:杨思宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:在电子信息技术盛行的当代,建筑设计呈现出越来越复杂化的特征。传统的建筑材料由于本身物理属性的限制,从一定程度上制约了这种扭曲而模糊的建筑形态的发展。膜材料作为一种新型的人工合成材料,以其极轻的材料自重、任意变形与拓展的材料张力以及弱视觉的表征配合着当代设计师们天马行空的设想。使得建筑得以跨越最初比较固定单一的模式而衍生出更多动态的可能。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In the modern era of electronic information technology, architectural design has become more and more complicated.Traditional building materials are restricted by their own physical properties, which restrict the development of the distorted and fuzzy architectural form to a certain extent.As a new kind of synthetic material, membrane material,With its extremely light material weight, arbitrary deformation and expansion of material tension and weak visual representation of contemporary designers,Allows the building to move beyond the original fixed single model and generate more dynamic possibilities.

Key Words:Architecture; Information technology; membrane materials