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单位:北京化工大学...     作者:孙山 钱皓      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:蔚州玉皇阁原名靖边楼,是明代的军事要冲蔚州(现称蔚县)的军事建筑,是明代建筑风格的典型。其布局结构严谨,设计宏伟高俊,充分再现了古代蔚州人民的高超的技艺和创造精神。本文着力于通过研究玉皇阁的历史背景和建筑设计风格,探析玉皇阁所承载的历史文化及其体现的环境求实、尊卑有序和象天法地思想的文化内涵。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Yuhuang Pavilian of Weizhou , originally named as Jingbian Building, is the military building of Weizhou in Ming Dynasty(now called Yuxian County) featured by the typical architectural style of Ming Dynasty. Its rigorous layout structure and magnificent design fully reproduce the superb skills and creation of the ancient people in Weizhou. By studying the historical background and architectural design style of the Yuhuang Pavilion, this paper probes into the cultural connotation embodied by the Yuhuang Pavilion, with the historical culture, the realistic environment , the order of the superiority and the thought of the law of heaven and earth.the order of the superiority and the thoughts of celestial phenomena and geomancy included.

Key Words:Yuhuang Pavilion; architectural design; culture connotation