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单位:广东工业大学...     作者:郑冬怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:景观不是简单的一种由大众传播技术制造的视觉欺骗,而是工业化、城市化和社会化背景下的复杂产物,摄影建构的社会景观能反映人与人之间的社会关系。本文通过分析公共艺术景观和几种景观摄影如何通过建构景观社会图像对社会问题进行揭发,进而引发对公共艺术景观和摄影表达的思考。景观是社会问题的呈现,摄影是揭示社会问题的最佳表达方式。我们要客观的评价景观社会所呈现的人造景观图像,无功利性的对客观世界进行分析与表达,善于发现社会中存在的尖锐性问题,做一个富有责任心,具有人文关怀的摄影师。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Landscape is not a simple visual images created by mass communication technology, but a complex product in the developing of industrialization, urbanization and socialization. The social landscape constructed by photography can reflect the social relations .This paper analyzes how public art landscape and several kinds of landscape photography expose social issue by constructed social landscape images and It also stimulates reflection on the expression of public art landscape and photography. Photography, the best way to express the social landscape ,is a magic method to reveal social problems. We should evaluate the artificial landscape images created by society objectively , analyze and express the objective world without utilitarianism, excel at discovering the acute problems that existing in our society, and to be a responsible photographer with humanistic care.

Key Words:landscape society; Landscape photography; Landscape imagery; Public art landscapes