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单位:1华东师范大学...     作者:丁一宁1 宋玉瑶1 潘佳利2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:一个完整的城市绿地系统,由各种元素组成,地形就是其中至关重要的部分,城市之中的各个元素本是相互独立,没有联系的,地形将各元素关联起来并和谐相处在同一个环境之中,使人们在繁忙的生活之余,在喧嚷的城市之中享受一片宁静优美的空间。在任何景观设计中,地形都是至关重要的,是基础。不同的地形、地貌,给人所感受到的景观特征也是不同的。一旦地形决定了,整个环境的基调就决定了。对于地形的设计,不仅可以营造出丰富多彩的休闲空间,给人以视觉已经空间上的享受,并且还附带有利于排水、影响小气候等功能,因此对城市公园景观中地形的研究具有重要的实际操作意义。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In an outdoor environment, terrain is the foundation of the entire environment, and he connects the entire space with all the landscape elements in the space. The terrain has a rich expressive power, which directly affects people's sense of outdoor space and aesthetic feeling. A complete urban green space system consists of various elements. Terrain is a vital part. The elements in the city are independent and unconnected. The terrain links the elements and harmoniously in the same environment. Among them, people enjoy a quiet and beautiful space in the hustle and bustle of the city after a busy life.

Key Words:microtopography; landscape design; plant configuration; park design; landscape architecture