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单位:长江师范学院...     作者:王蓓蕾     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:抑制城市的无序扩张,更新城市社区设计理念成为当代城市设计规划关注的焦点。本文以首届国际公共艺术奖获奖案例-四川美术学院虎溪校区为对象,分析都市村与创意社区的设计规划理念在实践中的具体应用,探讨在城市化进程中乡村记忆和地方性特色在保存与延续中如何结合创意社区营造建,构新型城市社区的可能性。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The design concept on restraining disorderly urban expansion and updating urban community has become a focus on contemporary urban designing and planning. This paper, based on Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with Huxi Campus , the winner of the prize for the first international public art ,  makes an analysis of urban villages and creative community which can put specific concept of design planning into practice, so as to preserve and perpetuate the country memory in the process of urbanization and regional characteristics by creating the possibility of a creative community and constructing the new urban community.

Key Words:urban planning; creative community; design concept