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单位:桂林理工大学     作者:雷锦锋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:随着川酒产业的发展,与之相关的博览会、展销会日趋频繁,但针对川酒文化的展陈设计趋于落后,而且出现了一些失当的展陈现象,给主体文化带来了负面影响,本文通过对川酒文化的展陈要素及展陈形式进行分析,并结合水井坊博物馆进行阐述,提出了针对川酒文化展陈的要点,对促进川酒文化展陈的健康发展具有积极的意义。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Trade and commodities fair are increasingly frequent with the development of wine industry in Sichuan, whereas, the exhibition and display of the wine culture design in Sichuan tends to lag behind. Meanwhile, there have been some of inappropriate display phenomenon, bring some negative influences to the main culture. In this article, I am going to suggest the key points for the show and display of wine culture in Sichuan, promoting the healthy development of show and display of Sichuan’ liquor culture has the positive significance through analyzing wine culture display and form in Sichuan elaborating with Shui Jing Fang museum.

Key Words:show and display of design; Sichuan wine culture; Shui Jing fang museum