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单位:齐齐哈尔大学     作者:张悦 焦健     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:中小学室内环境色彩展示墙部位加上室内陈设显得杂乱、花哨;有些室内环境宣传板颜色和环境颜色一样则略显颜色单一、缺乏趣味,总体看室内环境因为色彩或者不求美观,或者一味的追求新颖,而过于杂乱没有条理性。在这里看来是追求色彩多重性,但是是没有考虑视觉保护性,从专业角度来讲,一个合理的中小学教学楼内部装饰其色彩应该具有安全性为重要。本文在色彩具体布置角度分析其色彩塑造,从色彩心理学角度相关的几个方面结合塑造中小学室内安全性的色彩布置。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Primary and secondary school indoor environment color display wall parts plus interior decoration appears cluttered, fancy; some indoor environment color and environmental color propaganda board is slightly single color, lack of interest, the overall view of the indoor environment because of color or not beautiful, or blindly pursue novelty, but too cluttered and unreasonable. Here seems to be the pursuit of color multiplicity, but does not take into account visual protection, from a professional point of view, a reasonable interior decoration of primary and secondary school teaching buildings should have a safe color is important. In this paper, the specific layout of the color analysis of its color shaping, from the perspective of color psychology related to several aspects of shaping the primary and secondary school indoor safety color layout.

Key Words:primary and secondary schools; color; color psychology; indoor environment