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单位:广西科技大学...     作者:金枝     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:三江侗族女性服饰是中国少数民族服饰中的一道独特的风景。它具有极为独到的设计风格,其精美的刺绣、耀眼的银饰、高超的装饰技艺和悠远的文化精神内涵,为此,三江侗族女性服饰的组成部分是非常有特色的。他们的服饰文化主要体现在婚姻、养育、服饰文化、服饰功能、服饰禁忌、服饰习惯与服饰审美等方面。城市化进程的发展,汉化程度的加深以及民族服饰与其他民族的融合,从而成为影响侗族妇女服饰传承的因素。为此,本文基于此,从三江侗族女性服饰背景进行剖析,对女性服饰盛装与便装加以对比进行分析,进而对保护、继承和发扬民族传统服饰进行梳理。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the Dong women's dress in Sanjiang is a unique landscape in Chinese minority costumes. It has a very unique design style, its exquisite embroidery, dazzling silver jewelry, superb decorative skills and long-term cultural and spiritual connotations, for this reason, the composition of Sanjiang Dong women's clothing is very distinctive. Their costume culture mainly embodies in marriage, nurturing, costume culture, costume function, costume taboos, costume habits and costume aesthetics. The development of urbanization, the deepening of sinicization and the integration of ethnic costumes with other nationalities have become the factors affecting the inheritance of Dong women's costumes. Therefore, based on this, this paper analyses the background of women's clothing of Dong nationality in Sanjiang, compares women's dress and casual clothing, and then combs the protection, inheritance and development of traditional ethnic clothing.

Key Words:Sanjiang Dong people; women's clothing; inheritance; factors