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单位:华东师范大学...     作者:赵阳      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:民谣音乐作为近年逐渐步入公众视野的一种小众音乐流派,其唱片封面设计独具特点,自身也是一种独立存在的艺术形式。本文选取了具代表性共56张新民谣唱片封面,以平面设计三大符号——图像、文字、色彩对其进行了研究分析,总结出三个特点与规律:一,新民谣在图像方面多采用观念摄影,手绘与构成次之;二,多采用较小的字号,文字数量较少并占版面比重较小以突出图像符号;三,唱片多采用单一色调,其中中性色调使用最多,暖色与冷色的使用基本持平。对此类唱片封面设计的研究,有助于指导之后进行的亚文化类设计实践活动,也可根据其规律突破局限,推陈出新,更有助于此类亚文化现象的推广。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a indie music genre, neo-folk music gradually comes into the public eyes in recent years. The album cover design of neo-folk music has its own characteristics, and is also an independent form of art. This paper studied the 3 fundamental graphic design symbols-“Graphic,  Text and Color” of 56 representative neo folk album covers, and summed up 3 patterns: First, neo-folk music albums mainly use conceptual photograph as the cover images. Second, this kind of cover design always uses less text and small type of fonts to stress the graphic element, and the text only occupy small place of the covers. Thirdly, the covers tend to use single color as the main tone, and the neutral colors are mostly used. This regularity can effectively guide such indie design practice. And on the other hand, we could break the visual rules based on the regularity, avoid similar design to better popularize this kind of subculture.

Key Words:album cover design; neo folk; semiotics; subculture