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单位:福建师范大学     作者:林宏健     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:起源于欧洲的设计师品牌买手店打开了一个充满新鲜的和大胆的全新购物方式,视觉冲击和时尚的设计和多样化的结合得到越来越多的年轻消费者的认可。设计师买手店的核心是独一无二的文化思想,而最直接代表和能够直接传达给消费者的就是设计师买手店的品牌识别系统。图形符号设计已成为各品牌的重要组成部分,希望通过比较研究从理论上发现目前国内设计师买手店在品牌识别和图形符号设计上的一些不足,找出国内外买手店的差别从而较好的完善自己的品牌。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Designer brand buyer stores originating in Europe have opened up a new shopping mode full of fresh and bold. The combination of visual impact and fashion design and diversification has been recognized by more and more young consumers. The core of designer buyer's shop is unique cultural ideas, and the most direct representative and can directly convey to consumers is the designer buyer's brand recognition system. Graphic symbol design has become an important part of various brands. I hope to find some shortcomings in brand recognition and graphic symbol design of domestic designer buyer stores through comparative study, and find out the differences between domestic and foreign buyer stores so as to better improve their brands.

Key Words:Graphic symbols; trend; buyers shop; design