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单位:广西艺术学院     作者:谭彦君     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:2010年动画《驯龙高手》,以维京蛮族艺术与动画艺术相结合的题材形式,获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片提名,2014年《驯龙高手2》以迅雷不及掩耳之势再度登陆全球院线,除获第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片提名外,还囊括第72届金球奖电影类别的最佳动画长片。除了耐人寻味的故事情节和绚丽的3D视觉效果以外,片中的前期美术IP形象概念设计更是凸显了独特的北欧风土人情,让人们对维京的文化和艺术有了新的了解和认识。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The 2010 animated "how to train your dragon", combined with the barbarian art and animation art form of the subject matter, the recipient of the eighty-third Oscar Award for best animated feature, "how to train your dragon in 2014 2" the suddenness of a thunderbolt to once again landing in theaters worldwide, won the eighty-seventh Oscar Award for best animated feature. Also include the seventy-second annual Golden Globe Awards for best animated feature film category. In addition to 3D visual effects intriguing storyline and gorgeous, early concept art design in the piece is highlighted the unique Nordic customs, so that people have a new understanding and knowledge of the culture and art.

Key Words:《How to Train Your Dragon》; The Viking tribe; Barbarian Art; IP design