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单位:山西大学商务...     作者:孙晨霞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:课程主动对接地方小微企业,服务地方经济建设,旨在通过对课程教学方式、教学评价的改革提高教学质量,强化教学过程,开阔学生设计思维,促进学生完善课堂实训作业,有效解决课内难题,打造教学品牌。通过项目进课堂,最大化的展示学习成果、交流学习心得,让学生更好的展示自我,找到适合自己的学习方法。学生能在作业比较中学习经验,从作品提案中发现自己的不足和需要完善之处,更主动、更积极、更有目的性的学习。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The course aims to improve the teaching quality, strengthen the teaching process, broaden the students'design thinking, promote the students to improve the classroom practice, effectively solve the difficult problems in class, and create a teaching brand through the reform of teaching methods and teaching evaluation. Through the project into the classroom, maximize the display of learning results, exchange learning experience, so that students better show themselves, find their own learning methods. Students can learn experience in homework comparison, find their own shortcomings and needs to be improved from the proposal, and learn more actively, more actively and purposefully.

Key Words:Poverty alleviation in agricultural industry; Project driven classroom; Professional connotation construction