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单位:山东青年政治学院     作者:周兆鹏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:手工开悟,“手工”是指学生在进行家具设计时,运用适合材料亲身亲手参与到家具制作实践的环节中来。“开悟”有三层涵义:一是通过动手能力的锻炼,避免“眼高手低”、“盲目天马行空”的错误设计程序,“悟”出由设计方案转化成实物工具的过程差别;二是“悟”出家具制作过程中传统文化学习在设计中的涵义及引用方法;三是在实践制作的微妙过程中结合传统文化理论“悟”出设计灵感与创新思维。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Hand enlightenment, "Hand" refers to the use of materials suitable for students to participate in the practice of furniture design. "Enlightenment" has three meanings: first, through the exercise of practical ability, to avoid the wrong design procedures of "superior and inferior" and "blind and unrestrained" and "realize" the difference in the process of transforming design scheme into physical tools; second, to "realize" the meaning of traditional culture learning in the process of furniture production and the reference in the design. Third, in the delicate process of practical production, design inspiration and innovative thinking are combined with traditional cultural theory.

Key Words:furniture design; practice; teaching reform