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单位:山西大学商务学院     作者:王晶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:山西大学商务学院艺术与科技专业为山西会展业的快速发展提供人才支持,本专业根据学院办学要求与专业发展的需要,准确寻找办学特色,紧密联系企业需求,与企业共同探讨人才培养新方案。艺术与科技专业教师应强化教研、科研活动内容,注重自身专业能力的可持续发展,聚焦行业前端,优化课程结构,合理构建人才培养方案,创造合理教学流程。艺术与科技专业艺术与科技专业在教学内容上注重与相关学科交叉融合,实践教学分为校内实践和校外实践两部分,强调创新性设计实训,师生深入项目工程一线,引导学生参加比赛,在实践中共同成长。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Art and Technology Department of the School of Business of Shanxi University provides talent support for the rapid development of the exhibition industry in Shanxi. According to the requirements of the college and the professional development, this major accurately finds the characteristics of running a school, closely links with the needs of enterprises, and discusses new talent development with enterprises. Program. Teachers of art and technology should strengthen the content of teaching and research and scientific research activities, pay attention to the sustainable development of their professional capabilities, focus on the front end of the industry, optimize the curriculum structure, rationally construct talent training programs, and create a reasonable teaching process. Art and technology professional art and technology majors focus on cross-integration with relevant disciplines in teaching content. Practice teaching is divided into two parts: intra-school practice and off-campus practice. Emphasis is placed on innovative design training. Teachers and students go deep into the project and guide students to participate in the competition. Grow together in practice.

Key Words:innovative talent training model; curriculum setting; project