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单位:云南大学艺术...     作者:郑鼎     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:导向系统设计是国内新兴的一门综合性学科,现阶段在国内的发展正在探索阶段。高校导向系统设计作为当今导向设计的重要组成部分存在一些问题,只针对于其功能性,忽视了视觉美学以及符号学对导向系统的重要性。本文通过对云南大学东陆校区目前存在的公共空间导向系统的实地调查分析研究,找出设计的弊端并加以改良,从符号学、视觉美学、校园导向设计原则的角度出发对以上问题加以解决,主要对其导向信息在字体、图形、色彩的系统性和材料工艺以及设置位置进行设计研究,使其更加完善、更加实用、更加美观。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the guidance system design is a newly emerging comprehensive subject in China. At present, the development in China is in the exploration stage. As an important part of today's oriented design, the guidance system design of colleges and universities has some problems, which only focus on its functionality, ignoring the importance of visual aesthetics and semiotics to the guidance system. This article through to the yunnan university east campus lu existing public space guiding system of field survey analysis, find out the flaws in the design and improvement, semiotics, visual aesthetics, the perspective of campus guide design principles to solved these problems, the main information of its orientation in material technology and systematicness of fonts, graphics, color and position setting design research, make it more perfect, more practical, more beautiful.

Key Words:guidance system; public space; semiotics; visual aesthetics; campus orientation; design principles