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单位:华东理工大学...     作者:吴慧兰 黄彬洲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-11-30

摘 要:以云计算、物联网、大数据等技术为代表,新型的网络生态不断地改变城市居民的日常生活和行为方式。人机交互逐渐渗透到了城市智能化公共设施设计的方方面面,设计中注重人机交互的产品越来越得到重视和用户认可,本文选择了韩国首尔和阿里巴巴无人便利店二个成功案例进行分析。鉴于此,笔者基于人机交互的理念对城市办证服务大厅进行了智能化的设计,该设计更加符合人们的需求,可为类似办证服务大厅的设计提供参考。 


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data technology as the representative, the new network ecology constantly changes the daily life and behavior of urban residents. Human-computer interaction has gradually penetrated into all aspects of urban intelligent public facility design. More and more attention has been paid to human-computer interaction products in the design and user recognition. In view of this, the author based on the concept of human-computer interaction to the city certification service hall intelligent design, the design more in line with people's needs, can provide a reference for similar certification service hall design.

Key Words:Human-machine interaction; city intellectualization; public facilities; design