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单位:北京滨松光子...     作者:韩树军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2017-12-27

摘 要:随着工业化生产的发展,自动化程度的提高,各行各业都在向着机器人时代发展,而人工晶体生长工艺繁琐、设备复杂,想实现机器人替代人工需要一些时间。经过不断探索与试验,在坩埚下降法晶体生长过程中初步实现自动化控制。利用组态监控软件,构建出晶体生长过程的人机互换界面,通过组态与简单的程序编写实现人工晶体生长的自动化控制。本文通过使用MCGS组态软件与PMC、温控仪进行通讯、数据采集与发送指令,实现自动控制。可提高生产效率,降低人工成本,为企业创造更多利润。


中图分类号:TB476 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of industry and the improvement in automation,all industries are developing towards the age of robots. The artificial crystal growth process is cumbersome and complex, so it will take some time for robot to replace labor. By continuous exploration and test, automatic control can be achieved in the process of crystal growth by vertical Bridgman technique. By using Supervisory Control and Date Acquisition (SCADA), the man-machine interface is constructed in the process of crystal growth. We can also achieve the automatic control of artificial crystal growth by configuration and programming. This paper using MCGS, PMC, and temperature controller to communication, data collection, sending instructions, we will achieve automatic control. It can increase production efficiency, reduce the labor cost and create more profit for enterprise. 

Key Words:automation; crystal growth