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单位:鲁迅美术学院     作者:臧嘉帅 孙楷强 兰传宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-12-25

摘 要:我们都知道人机工程学是一门研究人体与周围事物间关系的学科,而休闲座椅是一种与人密切联系的家具品类,所以人机工程学在休闲椅设计中一直有着无可替代的地位。文中,介绍了人机工学在休闲椅设计的应用以及消费者需求提升的两个方面。人性化的设计是最实在,同时也是最前沿的潮流与趋势,是一种人文精神的体现,是人与产品完美和谐的结合。使人性化的设计真正体现出对人的尊重和关心。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:We all know that ergonomics is a subject that studies the relationship between the human body and the surrounding things, and casual seats are a kind of furniture category that is closely related to people. Therefore, ergonomics has always had an irreplaceable position in the design of casual chairs. In this paper, the application of ergonomics in leisure chair design and the improvement of consumer demand are introduced. Humanized design is the most practical, but also the most cutting-edge trend and trend, is a humanistic spirit, is a perfect and harmonious combination of people and products. So that Humanized design truly reflects the respect and concern for people.

Key Words:Ergonomics; Human Nature; Leisure Chair