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单位:南开大学滨海学院     作者:李燕姝 高渤 侯婷 朱子昊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-12-25

摘 要:随着科技的发展,儿童使用的玩教具越来越多,但针对残疾儿童可供选择的教具范围却十分狭小。本课题定位于植入人工耳蜗的学龄前听障儿童,从其玩教具使用实际情况出发进行全方位的设计研究。通过查找资料和实际调研,采用调查问卷以及采访的设计研究方法,为了增强孩子与孩子之间的语言交流,通过玩教具训练听带动说,进行单体舌头肌群和唇部康复训练以及引导孩子用语言交流,能够帮助听障孩子听力与言语功能的康复,从而能让他们更好的融入社会。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of science and technology, more and more teaching aids are used by children. However, the range of available teaching aids for children with disabilities is very narrow, and there is a lack of specificity for hearing-impaired children.This topic starts from the actual situation of the use of teaching aids for hearing-impaired children, and conducts a comprehensive design study on the use of teaching aids for pre-school hearing-impaired children of cochlear implants.In this project, by searching online data, reference books, and research methods for actual investigations, using survey questionnaires and interview design research methods. Driven that the effect of monotonous tongue muscle and lip rehabilitation training as well as guiding children to use verbal communication to each others, has the significance of helping hearing-impaired children's hearing and language function recovery ,which can better integrate into society.

Key Words:Cochlear implant; Rehabilitation teaching aid design; Preschool education