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单位:重庆工商大学     作者:程惠峰 杨祖彬     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-12-27

摘 要:对包装物、包装件和包装工艺过程进行把关的包装测试技术,能够显著降低包装破损率,减少各类产品因为包装不当造成的经济损失。传统包装测试教学存在教学内容缺乏有机联系、教学方式不灵活、考核机制不合理等弊端。《包装测试技术与标准》课程以包装试验标准为导向,从教学内容的整合, 教学方式的改进、考核机制的优化等多个方面进行了改革与实践。提出测试与标准相结合,积极实施案例教学,强化实践能力的培养,从而提高课程的教学效果。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The packaging test technology which checks the packaging materials, packaging parts and packaging process can significantly reduce the packaging damage rate and reduce the economic losses caused by improper packaging of various products. Traditional packaging testing teaching has some disadvantages, such as lack of internal relation of teaching content, inflexible teaching methods and unreasonable assessment mechanism. The course packaging testing technology and standard is oriented by packaging standards, and it is reformed and practiced from three aspects: the integration of teaching content, the improvement of teaching methods and the optimization of assessment mechanism. It is proposed that the combination of technology and standards, actively implement case teaching, strengthen the cultivation of practical ability, so as to improve the teaching effect of the course.

Key Words:Package testing; Teaching  reform; Packaging Standards