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单位:江苏城乡建设...     作者:郑伟文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-12-27

摘 要:我校正积极探索实践现代学徒制人才培养模式。本文在达成校企合作、工学交替、双主体育人的基础上,以校企课程资源的内涵、特点为切入点,对校企课程资源开发利用的策略进行了探讨,以期不断满足装饰行业企业对技术技能型人才的需求。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Our school is actively exploring the practice of modern apprentice personnel training model. On the basis of cooperation between schools and enterprises, alternation of engineering and engineering, and double major sportsman, this paper discusses the strategy of the development and utilization of school and enterprise curriculum resources based on the connotation and characteristics of school and enterprise curriculum resources. With a view to continuously meet the decoration industry enterprises to technical skills of the talent needs.

Key Words:modern apprenticeship; school-enterprise cooperation curriculum resources; contents; features; strategies