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单位:1武汉工程大学...     作者:陈波1 邹峻2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2018-12-27

摘 要:临终关怀的目的主要是减轻临终病人的心理负担,尤其是解决病人对疼痛及死亡的恐惧和不安,满足病人的生理、心理和社会的需要,使病人能在人生的最后岁月中,安详、宁静、无痛苦、舒适且有尊严地离开人世。对临终关怀医院场所进行设计,可以通过对空间的组织、装修风格和材料、交通组织、视线组织、声、光、热、色环境、室内家具设计、空间信息的引导等方面的探讨,而营造一个人性化的空间环境,有利于提高临终人员被关怀的体验。


中图分类号:TU238+.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of hospice care is to reduce the psychological burden of a dying patient, in particular, it is to comfort a patient’s fear and worry for the pains and death and to meet the needs of a patient’s physical, psychological and social needs, so that a patient can spend a serene, quiet, painless and comfortable life in his final days of life with dignity to leave the world. designing about the workplace in hospice care, The designer can conduct discussions on the spatial organization, decoration style, material, traffic organization, sight organization, sound, light, heat, color environment, interior furniture design, spatial information guidance and other aspects, so as to create a humane space environment ,It is beneficial to improve the caring experience for a dying patient. 

Key Words:Hospice care; interior design; humane