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单位:1.南京工程学...     作者:王硕1 陈璐1 吴智慧2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-11-22

摘 要:本文以探究现代家具结构设计的新思路和新方法为目的,将绿色设计理念引入家具结构设计之中,以现代家具为研究基础,对家具结构设计进行系统化分析,结合家具设计中材料多样化设计、可拆卸性设计、可回收性设计等方面,总结现代家具结构设计的发展现状与趋势。在此研究基础上,进一步论证分析,研究探索家具结构创新设计的可行性方案。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract: This paper in order to explore new ideas and methods of modern furniture structural design, the concept of green design is introduced into furniture structural design. Based on the research of modern furniture, systematic analysis was carried out on the structural design of furniture, and the development status and trend of the structural design of modern furniture were summarized based on the diversified design of materials, dismountable design and recyclability design in furniture design. On the basis of this research, further demonstration and analysis, researching and exploreing the feasibility of innovative design of furniture structure.

Key Words:Green design; Furniture structure; Innovative design; Design application