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单位:青岛恒星科技学院     作者:柳静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:在高等教育的诸多环节中,人才培养起着至关重要的作用。人才培养质量直接影响高校的就业率和就业质量。高校的人才培养一般可分为学术型、技术型、应用型、创新型等。针对目前我国艺术设计学科发展的趋势及人才需求,应用型人才培养具有紧迫性。艺术设计类专业是一门应用型、实践性很强的学科。而民办高校的人才培养依照传统的模式,强调知识的系统性和完整性,不利于实践应用能力的掌握。因此,深入研究和探讨民办院校应用型艺术人才的培养具有重要理论意义和实际价值。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In many links of higher education, talent cultivation plays a vital role.The quality of talent training directly affects the employment rate and employment quality of colleges and universities.The talent training in colleges and universities can be divided into academic, technical, applied, innovative, etc. In view of the development trend and talent demand of art design discipline in China, it is urgent to cultivate application-oriented talents.Art design major is an applied and practical discipline. However, in accordance with the traditional mode of talent training, private colleges and universities emphasize the systematicness and completeness of knowledge, which is not conducive to the mastery of practical application ability. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to study and discuss the training of application-oriented artistic talents in private colleges and universities.

Key Words:Private universities; Applied; Art and design; Cultivation of talents