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单位:西南林业大学     作者:刘文,李玮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:如今市场上的老年人智能产品十分丰富,养老产业的发展带来了健康、娱乐、医疗等领域适老产品的大爆发。但从市场反馈来看,整体用户体验不是十分乐观,互联网时代的产品对于大部分老年人来说存在鸿沟。本文通过深入分析我国老龄化现状以及老年人的需求特征,归纳老年人智能产品设计的策略,希望设计出更舒适、更安全、更高效、更符合人文关怀的老年人产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, there are abundant intelligent products for the elderly in the market, and the development of the elderly care industry has brought about the explosion of old products in health, entertainment, medical care and other fields. However, according to the market feedback, the overall user experience is not very optimistic, and the products in the Internet era exist a gap for most of the elderly. Through in-depth analysis of China's aging status and the demand characteristics of the elderly, this paper summarizes the design strategy of intelligent products for the elderly, hoping to design more comfortable, safer, more efficient, more in line with the humanistic care of the elderly products.

Key Words:The elderly; Intelligent; The product design