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单位:惠州学院美术...     作者:聂瑛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:当代社会和市民文化的崛起,城市公共艺术开始进入以社区为中心的公共环境,社区公共艺术是城市公共艺术的重要组成部分,社区公共艺术对于社区文化建设有特殊的意义。本文对有关社区公共艺术知识进行了梳理,明确解释了社区公共艺术概念,分析了它存在的意义,并对社区公共艺术创作提出建议。希望该文对和谐社区文化建设具有一定的理论借鉴意义。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The rise of Contemporary social and public culture, city public art began into a public environment with the community center , community public art is the important part of city public art, community public art for cultural development of community has special meaning. The article timely carried out knowledge of public art on the community and clearly explained the meaning of the concept of community public art, the significance of the characteristics of its existence, and made suggest form their own point of view on community public art .wished that the paper will be certain reference on theory building of a harmonious community in the contemporary.

Key Words:Community; public art; construction