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单位:广西桂林市广...     作者:苏俊杰,邓艺君     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文研究象征手法在产品语言表达中应用的价值、原则与方法。首先,阐明象征手法的概念及手法特点分析应用价值;其次,根据文创产品的设计属性分析文化传递模型;再次,结合产品语言理论分析象征手法在产品符号功能中的应用原则;最后,通过实践法验证分析得出应用方法。象征手法在产品语言中跨领域应用可以有效传递产品文化内涵,丰富产品文化传递方式。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper is to study the value, principles and symbolism applied in product language expression. Smethods: Firstly, the concept and characteristics of symbolic technique were expounded, then the cultural transfer model was analyzed according to the design attributes of cultural and creative products, and the application principle of symbolism in the function of product symbol was analyzed in combination with product language theory. Finally, the application method is obtained by practical method verification analysis. Conclusion: The cross-domain application of symbolism in product language can effectively convey product culture connotation and enrich the way of product culture transmission.

Key Words: symbolism; product language; application