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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:李逸,宁芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:科技进步与经济发展的今天,人们对于精神有着更高的追求。宠物的数量变多,为其设计的产品和服务大受欢迎。作为科技创新与意义构建的产物,解决宠物陪护问题的宠物陪伴机器人受到人们的喜爱。然而,宠物陪伴机器人发展刚起步,不论是从产品的材质、造型、结构、功能,人——动物——机器——环境之间的交互,还是对应服务的顺序性和满意度,都可以改善。文章以宠物陪伴机器人为研究对象,引入服务设计理念,多层次分析用户需求,提出宠物陪伴机器人的服务策略,为以后的设计提供参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Today, with the progress of science and technology and economic development, people have higher pursuit for spirit. Pet owners are growing in number and pet products are becoming more popular. As the product of technological innovation and meaning construction, pet companion robot, which solves the problem of pet companion, is loved by people. However, the development of pet companion robots is just beginning, whether from the product's material, shape, structure, function, human-animal-machine-environment interaction, or the corresponding and satisfaction for service be improved.This paper takes the pet companion robot as the research object, introduces the service design philosophy, analyzes the user needs at multiple levels, and puts forward the service strategy of pet companion robot, providing reference for the future design.

Key Words:Pet companion robot; Service design; Demand analysis