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单位:长春工业大学     作者:古长生,王丹凤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-23

摘 要:本文分析了孝义皮影在现代潮流文化的冲击下面临的发展问题,以及我国现代服装设计在发展过程中对于传统文化元素应用时的照搬照抄、缺少创新的现象,进而在此基础上,分别从孝义皮影的造型特征、色彩搭配、材质选取、工艺技术四个方面作为切入点,重点探究孝义皮影在现代服装设计中的具体应用,旨在利用孝义皮影和现代服装设计的有机融合,进一步推动孝义皮影艺术的传承和创新性发展,同时深化现代服装设计的文化内涵。


中图分类号:JS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article analyzes the development problems of Xiaoyi shadow puppets under the impact of modern popular culture, and the phenomenon of copying and lack of innovation in the application of traditional cultural elements in the development of modern costume design in our country. On this basis, Xiaoyi shadow puppets' style features, color matching, material selection, and technology are used as entry points. The focus is on the specific application of Xiaoyi shadow puppets in modern costume design. We further promote the inheritance and innovative development of Xiaoyi Shadow Art, while deepening the cultural connotation of modern costume design.

Key Words:Xiaoyi shadow puppet; Modern costume design; application; significance