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单位:广西科技大学     作者:王秦,石光林,罗信武     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-23

摘 要:本文为解决《产品速写》课程教学过程出现的问题,提出引入启发式教学方法。首先,探讨启发式教学的基本定义和思想内涵;其次,分析启发式教学方法在《产品速写》课程中应用的必要性;最后,创设符合启发式教学方法的教学问题情境,开展教学实践,培养学生在有限时间内掌握产品速写手绘技法,为学习后续相关专业课程夯实设计基础。

关键词:启发式教学方法 ;《产品速写》课程;应用

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper in order to solve the problems in the teaching process of product sketch, the heuristic teaching method is introduced. First of all, it discusses the basic definition and ideological connotation of heuristic teaching, then analyzes the necessity of the application of heuristic teaching method in the course of "product sketch". Finally, it creates a teaching problem situation in line with the heuristic teaching method, carries out teaching practice, and trains students to master the product sketch and hand drawing techniques in a limited time, so as to lay a solid design foundation for learning the follow-up professional courses.

Key Words:Heuristic teaching method; the Course of “Product Sketch”; application