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“现代师徒制” 在高职院校艺术设计专业教学中的运用

单位:广东轻工职业...     作者:李剑锋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-23

摘 要:为了适应时代的发展需求,社会各界纷纷进行现代化的改革与创新。而“三位一体”人才培养模式为社会的各项发展找到了完美的切入点。“现代师徒制”就是将学徒教学方式与现代艺术院校人才培养的方向结合在一起,以达到更好的艺术专业教学成效,并促进人才培养与就业的双向指标的完成。本文以高职院校艺术设计专业为研究对象,基于“现代师徒制”新型人才培养模式,阐述“现代师徒制”在高职院校艺术设计专业教学中的运用方法,希望为实现师生进一步交流和教学实践创新的产学研多元化进行接轨。

关键词:现代师徒制;艺术设计专业;  高职院校;运用

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to meet the needs of the times, various sectors of society have carried out modern reform and innovation. The "trinity" talent training model has found a perfect entry point for the development of society. "modern mentoring system" is the combination of apprenticeship teaching methods and the direction of talent training in modern art colleges, in order to achieve better teaching effect of art specialty, and promote the completion of two-way indicators of talent training and employment. This paper is to study the signifificance of "modern mentoring system" in art design specialty, as well as specifific practical methods, so as to provide reference for further research in the future. 

Key Words:modern mentoring system; Art design major; Occupation colleges; Application