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单位:河北美术学院...     作者:唐景词     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:中华民族有着五千多年的发展历史,并在人们智慧的创造下,孕育形成了璀璨的传统文化,其中涵盖了大量特色元素,是现代服装设计中不可多得的应用素材,并给设计师带来了无限的灵感迸发。事实上,中国元素在国际流行时尚的T型台上亦是爆发出了独特且强大的魅力,备受世界人民喜爱。本文基于对中国传统元素在现代服装设计中的运用价值、原则的解析,着重就其有效实践与发展进行了探究。


中图分类号:JS941 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Chinese nation has a history of more than 5,000 years of development. Under the wisdom of people, it has nurtured a brilliant traditional culture, which covers a large number of characteristic elements. It is a rare application material in modern clothing design and gives The designer brought infinite inspiration. In fact, Chinese elements have also burst into a unique and powerful charm on the T-stage of international fashion, which is loved by the people of the world. This article is based on the analysis of the application value and principles of Chinese traditional elements in clothing design, focusing on exploring its effective practice and development.

Key Words:Chinese traditional elements; clothing design; application