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单位:西北工业大学...     作者:陈丽伶,王妍,田雅芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:为了更多的自闭症儿童能得到早期干预治疗的便利,让他们像普通的儿童一样拥有愉快而多彩的童年。论文对3到6岁的自闭症儿童的症状特殊性进行了分析,并根据实地调研的反馈从自闭症儿童的兴趣点与需求点出发,设计了针对自闭症儿童提高注意力、认知能力、肢体协调能力的以APP为辅助的多种训练模式的早期干预治疗产品。希望能够打开自闭症儿童的“封闭”世界,进一步推动自闭症儿童早期干预治疗产品的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to more children with autism can get the convenience of early intervention treatment, let them like ordinary children have a happy and colorful childhood. Paper for 3 to 6 years old of children with autism symptoms particularity is analyzed, and according to the on-the-spot investigation feedback starting from the point of interest and the demand point of children with autism, designed for children  with autism improve concentration, cognitive ability and physical coordination to APP for the various training modes of early intervention treatment of auxiliary products. We hope to open up the "closed" world of autistic children and further promote the development of early intervention and treatment products for autistic children.

Key Words:Children with autism; Early intervention; Treatment product design