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单位:温州市工业科...     作者:邓亮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-04-26

摘 要:目前使用保温杯的人数在大量增加,但因杯产生的饮水健康问题常却被忽略。市面上保温杯大多注重造型设计、保温效果,却忽略材质健康,细节设计。杯内胆、瓶盖缝隙这些容易忽略的地方极易滋生细菌,随水喝进体内,影响健康。文章基于饮水健康提出不锈钢保温水杯的设计思路,同时设计了一款健康、安全、易清洗的医用级不锈钢保温水杯,解决饮水带来的健康问题,希望让人们可以喝到健康、卫生的饮用水。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The number of people using thermos cups is on the rise, and drinking water health problems from them are often overlooked. Most of the attention  Insulated water cup on the market modeling design, insulation effect, but ignore the material health, detail design. Cup liner, bottle lid gap these easy to ignore the place is easy to breed bacteria, mixed with water to drink into the body, cause drinking water health hazard. Based on the health of drinking water, this paper puts forward the design idea of stainless steel insulated drinking cup, and designs a healthy, safe and easy to clean medical-grade stainless steel insulated drinking cup to solve the health problems caused by drinking water and hope that people can drink healthy and hygienic drinking water.

Key Words:Drinking water health; Stainless steel; Insulated water cup; Product design