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单位:郑州科技学院     作者:户江月     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:本文基于感性工学,以两款唐三彩金属书签设计为研究对象,通过收集及筛选感性词汇对确定感性评价词汇对及归纳属性;通过建立感性评价调查问卷及选定受测者进行感性评价测试;运用SPSS软件进行数据统计和计算,对评价结果进行分析。验证了方法模型的可行性,为文化创意领域和设计行业提供了一种可使用的方案评价方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: This paper based on Kansei engineering, two designs of Tang Tri-colored pottery metal bookmarks are applied as the research object to determine the Kansei vocabulary pairs and inductive attributes by collecting and screening Kansei vocabularies. The Kansei evaluation test is conducted by means of Kansei evaluation questionnaire and subjects selection. SPSS software is applied for data statistics and calculation, and the evaluation results are further analyzed. The feasibility of the method model is verified, which provides a usable scheme evaluation method for cultural creativity as well as design industry.

Key Words:Kansei engineering; Tang sancai; cultural creativity; design scheme evaluation