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单位:齐齐哈尔大学...     作者:张珣,赵晓奇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:随着电子商务交易的普及,快递包装使用量急剧上升。同时也呈现出包装过度、资源浪费、环境污染等问题,结合市场需求和未来快递包装发展的新要求,将以市场需求、用户体验为前提,提升快递包装的适用性、延伸性、可持续性,发挥快递包装的最大价值,减少包装物废弃和资源浪费。研究可循环利用快递包装设计,不仅能降低成本还能延续其使用历程。通过优化快递包装的结构、材料,融入新技术等形式倡导、引领人们关注和使用可循环利用的快递包装。


中图分类号:TB482 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the popularity of e-commerce transactions, the use of express package has risen sharply. Also presents the problems such as excessive packaging, waste of resources, environmental pollution, combined with market demand and express the new requirements of packaging development, future research will be on the premise of market demand, the user experience and improve the applicability of the express package extensibility, sustainability play to express the maximum value of packaging, reduce packaging waste and waste of resources. Research on the design of recyclable express package can not only reduce the cost but also extend its use process. By optimizing the structure and materials of express package and incorporating new technologies, we advocate and lead people to pay attention to and use recyclable express package.

Key Words:Reusable express delivery; express package; Design