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住宅小区外部空间设计研究 ——以金地格林小城住宅小区为例

单位:武汉设计工程学院     作者:陈凌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-05-27

摘 要:以当今居住环境去分析及反思我们的居住环境,本文通过对住宅小区的外部空间概念和构成进行阐述,提出住宅小区的外部空间设计策略与思路。然后对金地格林小城住宅小区案例进行外部空间存在问题进行分析,特别针对外部空间在使用后出现的问题,分析从最基本的生理需求及使用方面的需求,提出外部空间设计策略,以“有效利用”为设计出发点去解决问题。只有真正解决了基本的生理使用需求,才能在此基础上满足人类更高层次的需求。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the current living environment to analyze and reflect on our living environment, this paper through the residential quarters's external space Concepts and composition needs to elaborate, put forward the housing community's external space design strategy and ideas. Based on the case of jindi green town residential district, the existing problems of external space were analyzed, especially the problems of external space after the use of the analysis from the most basic physiological needs and use requirements, the external space design strategy was proposed, "effective use" as the design starting point to solve the problem. Only by truly solving the basic physiological needs can we satisfy the higher human needs on this basis.

Key Words:Residential quarters; External space; design