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单位:西南交通大学...     作者:王雨嫣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:户外空间是学龄前儿童重要的游乐场所,城市儿童户外游乐设施及空间中形式雷同的设计已不能满足3~6岁儿童群体的生理和心理的发展需求,文章提出以美育的视角进行城市儿童户外游乐设施及空间设计,本着美育应是潜移默化地沉浸式输入的观点。将美育概念与儿童户外环境的相结合的设计理念,得出户外游乐设施及其空间的美化营造可以使儿童在互动体验、游戏玩耍中的审美视野得到提升,以达到儿童在日常户外活动中融入美育精神的目的。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Outdoor space is an important playground for preschool children. The design of urban children's outdoor recreation facilities and spaces with similar forms can no longer meet the physical and psychological development needs of children aged 3-6 years old. This paper proposes to design urban children's outdoor recreation facilities and space from the perspective of aesthetic education, in line with the view that aesthetic education should be imperceptibly immersive input. By combining the concept of aesthetic education with the design concept of children's outdoor environment, it is concluded that the beautification of outdoor recreation facilities and their space can enhance children's aesthetic vision in interactive experience and play. in order to achieve the purpose of integrating the spirit of aesthetic education into children's daily outdoor activities.

Key Words:Aesthetic education; children; Recreation facilities; outdoor space; Design