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单位:华东理工大学...     作者:胡月怡,陈虹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:随着5G时代的到来,在人工智能技术的驱动下,移动社交行业发展迅速。但是在发展过程中,也暴露出很多问题,如熟人社交带来压力、社交关系中心化、缺少双向互动等,这些问题影响到了服务的质量,也影响到了用户的体验。本文从服务设计角度,全面解析了移动社交产品的服务流程,并对流程中的发现新朋友、破冰聊天、互动分享三个关键服务触点进行分析,提出了基于相似性进行智能推荐、建立积极的反馈机制、营造产品归属感的设计策略,提升了社交产品的用户体验和服务质量。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the advent of the 5G era, the mobile social networking industry is developing rapidly driven by artificial intelligence technology.However, in the process of development, many problems are exposed, such as the pressure brought by acquaintances' social contact, the centralization of social relations, and the lack of two-way interaction, which affect the quality of service and the experience of users.In this paper, from the perspective of service design, parsing the service process of the mobile social networking products, and to find new friends in the process, ice chat, interactive share three key services contact analysis, was proposed based on similarity of intelligent recommendation, positive feedback mechanism, create a product belonging to three design strategy, promotes the user experience of the social product and service quality.

Key Words:Service design; Mobile social products; Innovation