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单位:厦门大学嘉庚学院     作者:周涛,彭琬玲,赵彦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-24

摘 要:本文探索一种以诗歌意象为对象的文化创意产品设计方法,并论证其可行性。在以已有的研究为基础,将诗歌意象拆分为三个层次,并通过皮尔斯的三价符号理论建立诗歌意象与产品属性在多层次上的映射关系。以此映射关系为基础分析诗歌多层次意象在产品设计过程中的先后关系,并通过这些关系推导出一种新的产品设计方法。希望通过符号学中关于诠释项的概念,建立诗歌与产品间的多层次联系模式并以此衍生出的设计方法,能有效提高相关产品的开发效率。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper explores methods for cultural and creative product design with the poetic image as the object, and demonstrates its feasibility. Based on the existing research, the poetic image is divided into three levels, and the mapping relationship between the poetic image and the attributes of products is established in the light of Pierce’s trichotomy of signs. On the basis of the mapping relationship, this paper analyzes the sequence relationship of multi-level image in the process of product design, and deduces a new product design method through these relationships. It is hoped that through the concept of annotation item in semiotics, the multi-level connection mode between poetry and products can be established and the design method can be derived from it, so as to improve the development efficiency of related products.

Key Words:the perspective of semiotics; poetry image; annotation item; cultural and creative product; design